Monday, April 25, 2011

Oh how I love Autumn!

I took the children to the park this morn for a picnic lunch. Ohhhh how the sun is shinning soooo wonderfully and the leaves sooo brilliant in all their glory, it was a must to be out in nature today!

Riding down the hill at full speed, so much so I nearly missed Zeke in the photo!

Now for the wonder of the trees

How is it that the same tree, in this case an Oak can have completely different leaf colours??

Is it the position?
The soil?
Different stages in the leaf breaking down?

Can anyone let us know??!!

My favourite, the Liquid Amber

Esther discovering too

We hope you've enjoyed the sunshine too today!
Smiles The Torrents's

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Jesus in the garden
tomb idea from HERE
Happy Easter!!!
What a glorious day, the day Jesus rose from the dead, conquered sin and gave us the availability to have eternal life with Him!
What a super day we have had!!

Mary & Peter where the stone has rolled away

I hope that your Easter Sunday has been wonderful in every way and that with all the eggs and bunnies around you've been able to think about the real reason why we celebrate!
Smiles The Torrents's

Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter time crafts

We have had a lot of fun this week with Easter themed crafts and projects. We wanted to colour some egg shells for a mosaic picture so the children got to work on thinking what natural items could be used to do this.
Grass for green
Orange skins for orange
Onion skins for brown
Beetroot for red
It's soooo fun to see the end result! The grass didn't take too well so we added some green food colouring, I think the best one is the Onion skins, they work a treat!

I hope that as this Easter Saturday ends you are knowing the real meaning of what Easter is all about as tomorrow morning approaches. I know for us the celebration of our Mighty Lord and Saviour and the victory He has given us is awesome!
Smiles The Torrents's

Monday, April 4, 2011

Sophia's sweet second {#five}

I love this little part of our blog, it's sooo much fun picking out what photo will make the Sophia's sweet second spot today!

How cute are those toes?!? They nearly look like a dolls but they are my sweet Sophia's! This is a cornor of the lounge room where the children (especially Sophia) lye and sit in the warmth of the sunshine that pours in each morning.
May your day be filled with sunshine and cute toes!
SMiles The Torrents's

Monday, monday

I can honestly say that I really DISLIKE Monday's!!! Allan has gone back to work , the children are all tired after the event's of the weekend and as a result they struggle with listening and generally being "my wonderful children!"
Today however I really tired to have a different attitude! I CONSTANTLY say to Hannah
"change your attitude towards your (very long amount of copy work) and you'll have it done in no-time!"
So I took on my own advice and see what happened.....
Hannah enjoyed making some rather scrummy cookies

Zeke wrote an amazing letter and drew a fabbo picture for his pen pal

Sophia enjoyed going around her art work and adding in some more detail

and Esther loved her FOOD!

I talked lots on the phone to my brother and my dear friend Carli! It was great!! :)

Well if this is what my Monday's can look/feel like then roll on next week! I even did 3 loads of washing and actually put it all away! AMAZING indeed!!
I hope your Monday has had blessings abound!
SMiles The Torrents's